Unitarian Universalism

We are a diverse, open and growing religious community. There are humanists, atheists, agnostics and theists among us, and many who resonate to the insights of poets, mystics and thoughtful human beings across the ages. We are couples and singles, straights and gays, financially secure and just getting by, young, middle-aged and seasoned.  Some of us grew up as Unitarian Universalists, while others come from Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or Hindu backgrounds.  Others of us identify with Buddhism, Taoism, Paganism and other faith traditions.

Whatever our individual roots or identities may be, we are all bound together by our mission:

As a spiritual community,
We welcome and nurture,
We inspire and challenge,
We take action in the world.

Notre communauté spirituelle
Accueille et nourrit,
Inspire et stimule,
Ensemble, nous agissons dans le monde.

Together we provide a sacred space, where we embrace diversity and seek truth. We cultivate moral integrity and foster a spirit of caring, creativity, and celebration of life. We nurture spiritual search and practice, affirm the democratic process in human affairs, and visibly promote social justice, sustainability, and kinship with all of life in our neighbourhood, nation, and global community. 

We often close with this benediction:

Go out into the world in peace,
Have courage,
Hold on to what is good,
Return to no person evil for evil,
Strengthen the fainthearted,
Support the weak,
Help the suffering,
Honour all beings.

Allons dans le monde en paix,
Soyons courageux,
Retenons ce qui est bien,
Ne rendons à personne œil pour œil,
Renforçons les cœurs meurtris,
Soutenons les faibles,
Aidons ceux qui souffrent,
Honorons toute vie.