Location & Directions





5035 boul de Maisonneuve O.
Montréal, QC H4A 1Y5, Canada

Fax:  514-485-7999

Office hours:
Monday - Thursday: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Friday: 9:30 am - 1:30 pm
Summer hours:
June 26 - August 27
9:30 am - 1 pm, Monday - Thursday, closed on Fridays

Handicap accessible with front and rear ramps.

Click on the locator icon on the map to go to Google Maps

Directions - Transportation

Metro: Take the Orange line to the Vendôme Métro station. Exit on boulevard de Maisonneuve Ouest. Turn right, heading E and walk ~ 2 blocks. The Church is on the left, before Claremont.

Bus: The #24 bus travels up and down Sherbrooke. Get off at Claremont, walk down to boulevard de Maisonneuve Ouest. Turn right and UCM is within a half block on the right. In addition, both the #90 and #124 stop at the Vendôme Métro station.

Driving: Use Google Maps to determine specific directions from your location.