June Morning Meditation

Rev. Diane Rollert, 6 June 2018

Ground of our being,
we walk in beauty this day.
Sun has turned the canals and river to gold,
trees are dancing in green,
lilacs are living out their final days,
fragrantly thankful,
as they greet the emerging peonies.

This is spring,
The gateway to summer,
the moment when everything
returns to life
and beckons us
to respond
with a resounding yes.

We know that not all hearts are buoyant
even on days with a gentle breeze
warming the dappled green streets.

Sometimes the songs of celebration
are too much a reminder
of what is lost
instead of gained.

Here in this quiet
may there be solace
for broken hearts
and fallen expectations.

May love surround us,
making this a milestone
of simply meeting the new day.

May we reach out to one another,
as a community of faith
built on the light that shines
within each one of us,
reflected in the eyes of the other,
and filling the heart
with hope.
