A Prayer for Mending Hearts

Rev. Diane Rollert, 16 February 2020

Spirit of Live,
Ground of Our Being,
This is how we begin:
to a valentine;
held within a beating heart,
and then released into the world. 

How distinct we are,
how unique and
infinitely diverse,
yet carried into life in the same way.

If we are lucky
we begin with love
and we live with love.
If not,
we must create
what was not given.

We build new worlds
new families,
new connections
to beating hearts
that release us anew
into the world. 

This is my wish, my prayer
for each of us.
May we find love
to shine light
on the darkest
and the most beautiful places
we hold inside

C'est mon souhait, ma prière
pour chacun d'entre nous.
Puissions-nous trouver
assez d'amour
pour faire la lumière
sur le plus sombre
et les plus beaux horizons
que nous gardons à l'intérieur
de nous-mêmes.
